granule is a flashcard program that implements Leitner
(by the German psychologist
Sebastian Leitner in the 1970s)
cardfile methodology for learning new words described in his book
So lernt man lernen. Der Weg zum Erfolg. ("Learning to learn. The road to success.")
- Short-term memory training with Decks of cards.
- Long-term memory training with a CardBoxe of Decks.
- Automatic scheduling with SM-2 algorithm.
- Optional pronounciation (requires a sound dictionary such as
- Multi-lingual support (UTF-8).
- Embedded pictures.
- Basic text formatting.
- Fine-tuning of look-n-feel.
- Full-screen mode (for Q&A slide shows)
- Printing with OpenOffice macros (by the courtesy of
Stefan Schröder)
Cross-platform support:
- Linux/FreeBSD/UNIX,
- Nokia 770/800/810 Internet Tablet,
- Windows NT/2000/XP,
PDAs with
desktop (such as Sharp SL-5500 and the like).
This project is hosted by SourceForge.net.
For more info, please, visit Granule's SourceForge
project page for more information.