2.1. Short-term Memory

Short-term memory allows us to store verbal and visual information for a short period of time. When you learn up to 20 flashcards of new words every day for a period of several consequtive days, this information is stored in your short-term memory. By the end of this learning period, you can correctly identify the meaning of a word in each flashcard in both directions (front and back). However, as weeks pass by, you will eventually forget all of the infomation you have learnt.

2.1.1. What Is A Deck?

A collection of flashcards is assembled into a Deck. A Deck is a representation of a physical deck of 3x5 flashcards. It has two sides: a Front that contains a question and a Back that contains an answer (or a translation of the question word). In addition, the Back of an flashcard has an area for an example sentence, just like a physical flashcard would do. Whatever you might do with a physical deck of cards can be done with a Deck in Granule: adding a new card, editing, deleting, shuffling, inserting one Deck into another and so on.

Deck is used to train your short-term memory. Divide your study material into separate Decks with no more the 15-20 flashcards in each Deck. The experience shows that this is an optimal size for memorizing new information (new foreign words for that matter). Try also to supplement each new word with a sentence that you have encountered it in. It helps greately to remember the meaning.