5.1. File Formats

As mentioned before, a deck is stored in a simple XML formatted file with *.dkf file extension. Lets look at and discuss the meaning of each tag in our example file, Lesson_01.dkf.

001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
002 <!DOCTYPE deck SYSTEM "/etc/xml/granule/granule.dtd">
003 <deck>
004   <author>Vladislav Grinchenko</author>
005   <description>Created on Wed 13 Oct 2004 11:18:13 PM EDT</description>
006   <sound_path>/usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS</sound_path>
007   <card id="_1097723900">
008     <front>freedom</front>
009     <back>the state of being released</back>
010     <back_example>~ is being able to make decisions that affect mainly you.</back_example>
011   </card>
012   <card id="_1097723901">
013     <front> ... </front>
014     <back>  ... </back>
015     <back_example> ... </back_example>
016   </card>
034 </deck>