4.3. Sound Preferences

Figure 4-3. Sound Preferences

Sound preferences let you control the way Granule finds and plays sound files. The defaults are:


Sound player command:   sox
Sound player arguments: %s -t ossdsp -v 1.7  -r 48000 /dev/dsp
Default sound path:     /usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS/


You have to have the sound dictionary installed on your system. A sound dictionary is a directory that holds sound files grouped in the subdirectories by the first name of each sound file name. For example, a popular free English sound dictionary, WyabdcRealPeopleTTS, has the following tree structure:

% cd /usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS/
% ls

a/  c/  e/  g/  i/  k/  m/  o/  q/  s/  u/  w/  y/
b/  d/  f/  h/  j/  l/  n/  p/  r/  t/  v/  x/  z/

Each subdirectory holds a collection of WAV files that start with the same first letter. For example, if we were to look at "g/" subdirectory, we would see:

% ls g

gabbler.wav           gesticulative.wav   granddaughter.wav
gabble.wav            gestural.wav        grandeur.wav
gabbling.wav          gesture.wav         grandfatherly.wav
gadfly.wav            getatable.wav       grandfather.wav
gadgeteer.wav         get.wav             grandiloquence.wav



If we were to play our test card, freedom, based on default setting Granule would try to execute UNIX command:


% sox /usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS/f/freedom.wav -t ossdsp -v 1.7  -r 48000 /dev/dsp


To test if your sound works, you should be able to cut-n-paste this command into your UNIX terminal window and hear the sound.